To join our waitlist, email our membership coordinator or our general email, ACG at Stone Park, and provide your name and contact information. You must be an Ashland resident to apply.
If you will not be returning, please notify the membership coordinator no later than March 31, 2021. If you do not contact us by March 31, the next person on the wait list will be invited to garden.
If you are returning, please complete and return the application with your check—or more for an additional contribution—to the membership coordinator. Make your check out to Ashland Community Gardens and send it to Ashland Community Gardens, c/o Sandra Galiwango, 220 Algonquin Trail, Ashland, MA 01721.
Your fee and contribution go towards purchasing fresh soil/compost, fertilizer and water, and for garden maintenance.
Keep your Agreement form —which has been revised for 2021—to reference during the growing season.